Thursday, March 29, 2018


I am making a name card for my partner, Justin
All the information in the name card is about myself, however, it will only have the information that my partner wants to know about me.

1. Favorite Animal:

2. Pet Peeve:

3. Favorite Subject:

4. Favorite Color:

5. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:

6. Favorite Fast Food:

7. Favorite Character in a Book:

8. Hobby:

9. Favorite Singer:

10. Favorite Place:

11. Spirit Animal:

12. Favorite Teacher:

13. Sport:

14. Favorite Athlete:

15. Favorite Character in Movie:

Digging Deeper (Empathize: User Requirements)

1. Favorite Color: Pink

2. Favorite Sport: Basketball

3. Favorite Athlete: Kyrie Irving

4. Spirit Animal: Swordfish

5. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor

6. Favorite Fast Food

Theme: Basketball... ice cream... fish...?

Define Challenges:

Ideate: feedback
User: Justin
similar thinking: good drawing, make fish fishier? Cindy
thinks different: looks cool? color - Aimee
regard for: color - ice cream

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Design Thinking Process: [Software Development Life Cycle]

User submitted image

[Software Development Life Cycle] ^
User requirements are the guiding stars throughout the project, use the step when developing any product to tailor to specific needs which may sometimes be those of the consumer. What do they want? Put yourself in their shoes, what would be more succesfull witht he consumer. Customer satisfaction and respect for your client is of utmost importance.
Go through the customer requirements in detail and find the theme of the project. E.X. i phone: versatility. This is also the time to find the challenges to meet the user requirements.
Draw rough sketches and take feedback from the user, someone who thinks similarly, someone who thinks differently, and someone you have regard for int that domain. Implement the relevant feedback.
Make a product and take feedback again from the user ^refer to ideate.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Fundamentals of Computer Architecture

Central Unit:
Central Processing Unit: CPU
Control Unit: Arithmetic Logic Unit
Ram: Random Access Memory
Leve 1 - Level 2 --- progress
Sprite, Coins, Data, Health
External Memory

Is an Electric Pulse Signal
Signal or No Signal
0 = no signal (off)
1 = signal (on)
0 & 1 are bits --> 8 bits to a byte which is the basic unit of memory
bytes kilobytes megabytes gigabytes
each key is a character, combination of 0's and 1's

punch cards holes to first computers communicate simple assembly languages: and or jmp add sub
high-level languages: java, c, c++, c sharp, python
source code
object code
binary code/language
m/c code/language
systems program: compiler and interpreter
fd 100 rt 90 etc
converts and executes instruction after instruction
systems program

  • Microphone
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Camera
  • Scanner
  • Printer
  • Monitor
  • Speaker
  • Radio
  • Projector
Both Input and Output:
  • Modems
  • Touch Screen Headset
  • Fax
  • USB

Input:                   Output:

Keyboard             Monitor

Scanner                Speaker

Microphone         Printer


touch screen
USB : Universal Serial Bus

Components of Contral Unit:
RAM: Random Access Memory
is a place in a computing device where the operating system (OS), application programs, and data in current use are kept so they can be quickly accessed by the device's processor. RAM is much faster to read from and write to than other kinds of storage in a computer such as hard disc drive, (HDD). Data remains in RAM as long as the computer is running, if the computer is turned off, RAM loses its data. When the computer is turned on again, parts of OS and other files are once again loaded into RAM, hence RAM is called Volatile Memory.

CPU: Central Processing Unit
The two main components in CPU are the control unit and arithmetic logic unit (ALU). ALU is a digital circuit used to perform arithmetic operations and evaluate logical statements.

Control Unit
Circuitry component of a computer's CPU that directs the operation of the processor, Control Unit does resource management, it tells the computer's memory, ALU, and input output devices, I/O, to respond to the program's instructions. It reads instruction after instruction from memory and interprets and transforms them into a series of signals to activate other parts of the computer.

Systems Software and Application Software:
is any computer software which manages and controls computer hardware so that application software can perform a task. examples like Microsoft Windows, Linux ios. Application software are programs that enable the end-user to perform specific, productive tasks like word processing tasks, banking software, air traffic control program, Spotify, Snapchat, Minecraft, Chrome, i message, etc.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Top Down System Project

Mission Reflection: I enjoyed doing this project, we learned about the top down system of the Military, I especially liked my slide on the colleges, I found the research fascinating and hope to continue to do projects like these in the near future.